Advocate, Writer, Artist and Consultant.
Work Experience
Chief Equity & Learning Officer
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio
Digital Organizing Manager
Alliance for Safety & Justice
Program Director
LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland
My name is Eris Eady (she|they)
Eris Eady (She|They) is a Black, Bisexual, Non-binary & Disabled consultant, advocate, artist and writer from Cleveland, Ohio. They have organized, facilitated, performed, presented, and curated collaborative spaces all over the country. Eris has worked in the nonprofit and advocacy sector for over 20 years.
Known as the “Come Out Coach”, Eris equips individuals and organizations with the tools needed to foster identity and cultivate equitably inclusive practices. They have a Master’s of Science in Positive Organizational Development & Change from Case Western Reserve University; a Certificate in Emotionally Intelligent Leadership and Executive Coaching, and a Appreciative Inquiry Certificate in Positive Business and Societal Change.
Eris is the proud parent of Yahsiin Zora Venia.
Content Strategy Writing, Storytelling & Poetry
Stage Management & Hosting Domestic Violence High Risk Assessment
Certified HIV Counselor Strategic Planning & Data Management
Program & Curriculum Development Assessment and Evaluation
Coalition Building Creative Initiatives
& Certificates
Masters of Positive Organizational Development & Change
Case Western Reserve University
Bachelor's of Arts Public Relations
Notre Dame College of Ohio
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership & Executive Coaching
Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Business and Societal Change
& Publications
Eight Never Comes Journey to Whole: Excerpts, Essays & Exhales Womannish: Redefining Womanhood in a World That Won’t Make Room BRUH: Poems to Pay for Alimony
JUNETEENTH4me: A healing experience Strange7Fruit: earrings & accessories